For the love of good food

We are dedicated to bringing fresh, delicious food to local communities.


Moody Root Farm is run by Hannah Alden, who immediately fell in love with the land she now stewards in the spring of 2022. After working as the crew lead of an organic vegetable CSA and market farm near Madison for just over three seasons, Hannah and her husband, Tyler, went searching for a piece of land to call their own. They had their sights set on the north central part of the state and landed in Dorchester, between Medford and Abbotsford.
After purchasing the seven-acre farm property, Hannah and Tyler planted a cover crop in the summer of '22 to help start the rebuild of the tillable field’s soil. Hannah started produce production in 2023 on about two and a half acres, with another section in cover crop. In addition, there is now a permanent half-acre space around the borders of the farm planted as a dedicated pollinator habitat, with native plants and flowers for insects and other vital creatures to explore. While not yet certified organic, there are plans to pursue certification in the future.
Plans for the 2024 season include the launch of a small CSA program and other projects, including participation in a statewide program in which the farm’s produce will be distributed to food access organizations. Moody Root Farm will return to the Medford Farmers Market with vegetables, herbs and plant starts (available in the spring).
Hannah looks forward to another season of to getting to know local eaters, stewarding her land and immersing herself in area communities.

Meet me at market!

Medford Farmers Market - 2024 season

Tuesdays - May 14 through mid-October, 1-5 p.m., downtown shelter across from Marilyn’s in Medford

Saturdays - May 12 through October 26, 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Taylor County Fairgrounds at the intersection of Highways 13 and 64

***We plan to be at almost every Tuesday market, but not all Saturday markets. Please see our social media or sign up for our newsletter to be notified of our market schedule.